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Press Release

Contact:Pierre-Dominique Renard 
Director, Customer & Market Management
Tel: +33 (0)

LCH.Clearnet broadens its market presence

Paris 17 June 2008

LCH.Clearnet SA is now clearing products traded on Easynext, a 'Multilateral Trading Facility' (MTF) regulated by NYSE Euronext Brussels.  Easynext enables issuers to trade warrants or listed certificates, with or without a prospectus, thereby accelerating the listing process and reducing costs.

The arrangement with Easynext is the latest of a number of successful initiatives by LCH.Clearnet SA undertaken since the implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in November 2007.  These include the appointment of LCH.Clearnet SA by Börse Berlin Equiduct Trading and SmartPool to provide CCP services for Euronext zone.

LCH.Clearnet SA has also broadened the scope of markets served by providing clearing services to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and BlueNext's new derivatives products.

Commenting on these new initiatives, Christophe Hémon, LCH.Clearnet SA's CEO said: "We are very excited by these new developments.  We welcome these new initiatives and believe we are well placed to succeed in this evolving environment.  We are proud of our extensive expertise in providing clearing services and will continue to work with new and established players as we grow the business."

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Editors Notes

LCH.Clearnet provides a range of clearing services to major international exchanges and platforms, equity, exchange-traded derivatives, energy, freight, interbank interest rate swaps markets and the majority of the Euro-denominated and sterling bond and repo markets.

LCH.Clearnet is owned 73.3% by users, 10.9% by exchanges and 15.8% by Euroclear.


Markets Served

LCH.Clearnet clears a diverse range of asset classes worldwide.

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