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Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Circular No 3323
Date:04 July 2013
To:All Clearing Members

SFTP service for Member reporting

We are currently experiencing unprecedented demand for our Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) service for member reporting, and we are aware that some members have been experiencing delays in downloading reports. We are working with our vendors to plan improvements to the service. In order to reduce the pressure on the service at the current time, all members are requested to ask their IT teams to ensure that they are only polling the service in proportion to the frequency of the reports they are using. Please note that even the most frequent reports are only refreshed every five minutes and for other reports we would expect polling to be considerably less frequent. To clarify, “polling” refers to the initiation of a request for data from LCH.Clearnet by your technology infrastructure.

Our Technology and Client Service teams are available to work with your teams to provide further detail and assistance if required. Please contact your usual LCH.Clearnet business representative.