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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet LLC Circular No 10

Service Circular No:SwapClear Circular No 97
Date:02 October 2013
To:All SwapClear Clearing Members

SwapClear Acceptable Routing of Transactions 

LCH.Clearnet LLC is issuing this notice to SwapClear Clearing Members and market participants as it relates to CFTC regulation 37.702(b) and acceptable routing of transactions to the DCO (LCH.Clearnet Limited and LCH.Clearnet LLC).

SwapClear will continue to support the SEF routing workflows detailed below:

In the SEF Direct to DCO workflow, trades are sent directly from the SEF to SwapClear (a SEF would need to be approved as an Approved Trade Source System for the purposes of the applicable LCH.Clearnet rulebook in order to use this workflow).

For the purposes of the SEF to Middleware Provider to DCO workflow, MarkitWire is an approved Middleware Provider at SwapClear.  In this workflow, the SEF sends trades to the DCO via the approved Middleware Provider and status messaging from the DCO will be sent to the SEF via the Middleware Provider.

For the avoidance of doubt, any trades sent through pre-existing workflows will continue to be accepted until further notice.