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Proposed CDS Clearing Rules

The following submissions in relation to proposed rule changes have been filed with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on the date indicated, under the self-certification procedures.

CDSClear Self Certification - CDS Clearing Supplement (30/12/2013)

CDSClear Self Certification-Section 5 of the CDS Clearing Procedures (28/01/2014)

CDSClear Self-Certification of Changes to Rulebook and Section 3 and 5 of the Procedures (03/03/2014)

LCH.Clearnet SA Self-Certification of Changes to CDS Agreement (28/03/2014)

LCH.Clearnet SA Self-Certification - Updated Fee Schedule for the CDSClear Service (15/04/2014)

LCH.Clearnet SA Self-Certification - Updated Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference (25/04/2014)

LCH.Clearnet SA Self-Certification - Default Fund Renumeration Changes (12/05/2014)